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To procure from the Regional Service Office all literature and related items and distribute them at the group level. To procure and distribute meeting lists from the Public Relations Subcommittee as needed. Distribution is done largely at the monthly Area Service Committee meeting and is also available as required throughout the month.

Service Positions

The Literature Distribution Subcommittee is comprised of the following positions:

  • Chairperson
  • Vice-Chairperson
  • General Volunteers

For more information on this committee's service positions and responsibilities, please see our ASC Policy Manual.

Why Should I Get Involved?

The Literature Distribution Subcommittee prepares literature orders including books, booklets, meeting lists, information pamphlets, key tags, medallions, and more, for all of the Area's groups during the Area Service Committee Meeting. This is a big job and general members are needed to help prepare orders in that short time frame. It is a great way to get involved with service and be of service to the entire Area.

How Do I Get Involved?

Please check the Service Committee Meetings page for meeting times and locations.

For more information, please contact the Literature Distribution Subcommittee Chairperson by email at: literature-distribution [at]

The Saturday after Area Service meets, 9:30-11:00 AM